Firefighter Websites For Kids

There are some great interactive site for kids related to firefighters. Here is a list of a few of my favorites.

Scholastic Firefighter Community Club
You can input up to 25 names and print Junior Firefighter badges for students.  There is also an interactive learning quiz and a teacher's guide.
Smokey Bear
Smokey Bear has his own website. Kids can play action-packed campfire games such as Put Out the Fire and Smokey's Trail Blaze. They will also learn tips for fire prevention and campfire fun.
Sparky's Homepage
Kids can tour Sparky the Firedog's website, which is packed with safety-related tips, crafts, and games all especially for kids. Kids will love to hear a real fire bell in the truck photo gallery. There are also instructions on how to make an origami Sparky puppet.Help Sparky get from classroom to playground in a mock fire drill.
U.S. Fire Administration's Kids' Page
Kids can become a junior fire marshal on this website designed just for kids. Children learn about safety and then take quizzes and play games to test their understanding. Have fun learning about safety by checking out Hydro's Hazard House.


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