Emergency Reporting Awarded U.S. Marine Corp Contract

Emergency Reporting has announced it has been awarded a contract to provide fire, EMS and risk assessment reporting and records management services for the US Marie Corp.  According to the press release the services will include web-based NFIRS 5.1 and NEMSIS compliant incident reporting, as well as training, apparatus maintenance, hydrants and other modules required for daily operations.

Emergency Reporting (Reporting Systems, Inc.) is a privately held Washington State corporation which was established January 2003. Emergency Reporting provides centralized web-based NFIRS, NEMSIS and risk assessment reporting and records management system. The solution supports fire rescue, EMS agencies, Navy, Marines, Army, nuclear power facilities, airports, ambulance services, hospitals, oil refineries, and multi-agency districts internationally.

Because the system is web based, it reduces and even eliminates the costs normally paid by a department to manage hardware, software and networks necessary to run traditional "install" fire or EMS software. The systems are HIPPA compliant and allow for wireless access and one click reporting. For more information check out the video below and go to emergencyreporting.com.


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